Biofuel Boom

norwaybcheaderA two-part series analyzing what is being suggested to be the worst public policy mistake in a generation. A prominent UN representative calls it a “crime against humanity”. The green image being painted by industry and world leaders is doing little to convince skeptics that using agricultural land to grow fuel is as environmentally friendly as it is purported to be. Biofuels are being referred to by some of the world’s most influential international organizations as contributing to increases in global hunger at staggering rates. The money being thrown at these biofuel technologies is incredible: In July 2007, Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised $1.5 billion dollars in incentives to get the Canadian biofuel industry up and running. British Petroleum (BP) has controversially invested half a billion dollars into biofuel research at the University of California at Berkeley. We hope this two-part series will be the most critical 2-hours of radio produced to date on the rapid emergence of biofuels around the world.

Biofuel Boom: Greenwashing and Crimes Against Humanity (Part II)

A two-part series that will critically analyze what is being suggested as the worst public policy mistake in a generation. Aprominent UN representative calls it a “crime against humanity”, and this “crime” may shock even the most environmentally conscious of individuals, because it is in reference to biofuels, a technology that is in the early…

Biofuel Boom: Greenwashing and Crimes Against Humanity (Part I)

A two-part series that will critically analyze what is being suggested as the worst public policy mistake in a generation. A prominent UN representative calls it a “crime against humanity”, and this “crime” may shock even the most environmentally conscious of individuals, because it is in reference to biofuels, a technology that is in the…