In February 2006, Deconstructing Dinner aired an episode that explored salmon farming off the coast of British Columbia. Three years later, we revisited the topic and created this multi-part series. Highlights of the Norway, British Columbia series include a tour of an Atlantic salmon hatchery near Campbell River and a salmon farm off the shores of East Thurlow Island. Featured throughout the series are interviews with industry, government, First Nations and conservation groups. The controversy surrounding the placing of an ‘organic’ label on a package of salmon is also explored alongside the prospects of genetically-engineered salmon entering into B.C. waters.
Over the past year, Deconstructing Dinner has spent an increasing amount of time focusing on the discussions that take place on food and farming within Canada’s parliamentary committees. Today, we visit with a previously unexplored committee on the show – the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, where, in the past few months, the subject…