Podcasts on Grains

Conventional vs. Organic Wheat

On this all-new podcast, Deconstructing Dinner’s Jon Steinman examines some of the key differences between conventional and organically produced wheat. (Runtime: 28 min) Features: Stephen Jones, Director, Washington State University Research Station (Mount Vernon, WA) Kevin Christenson, Owner, Fairhaven Organic Flour Mill (Burlington, WA) Sam Lucy, Farmer, Bluebird Grain Farms (Winthrop, WA) Roy Lawrence, Farmer,…

The Local Grain Revolution XII (Year 3 & Lopez Island Grain Project)

Since March 2008, Deconstructing Dinner has been tracking the evolution of the Kootenay Grain CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in the interior of British Columbia. The project is Canada’s first CSA for grain and it’s been quite a while since we’ve checked in with how it’s evolved in its third year. Also on this part 12 of the…

Exploring Ethnobiology IV (The Immaterial Components of Food Sovereignty / Comparing 17th/18th Century Cereal Grain Productivity Among Iroquois and Europeans)

Exploring Ethnobiology is a new series Deconstructing Dinner has been airing since June. Through a scientific lens, ethnobiology examines the relationships between humans and their surrounding plants, animals and ecosystems. With more and more people becoming interested in developing closer relationships with our surroundings (our food, the earth), there’s much we can all learn from…