Podcasts from 2009

Eating History w/ Andrew Smith

This episode is truly in the spirit of “deconstructing” our food and features a talk delivered by Andrew Smith – a writer and lecturer on food and culinary history. His latest book is Eating History – 30 Turning Points in the Making of American Cuisine. The diet of the modern American wasn’t always as corporate,…

Canada’s Agriculture & Agri-Food Committee on GMOs

Deconstructing Dinner continues with our ongoing coverage on the controversial subject of GMOs – genetically modified organisms. As part of our past coverage we’ve spent time looking at how dialogue on GMOs makes its way through the Government of Canada, whether it be the regulatory process itself, or debates heard from Canada’s House of Commons.…

Agroinnovations Podcast w/ Paul Stamets, Rob Hopkins & Richard Manning

In January 2009, the Voices Paul Stamets, mycologist, Fungi Perfecti (Olympia, WA) – Stamets is on the editorial board of The International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, and is an advisor to the Program for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona Medical School. He runs Fungi Perfecti – a family-owned company specializing in using gourmet…

Dan Barber – A Perfect Expression of Nature (Conscientious Cooks VI) / Backyard Chickens IX

Dan Barber – A Perfect Expression of Nature (Conscientious Cooks VI) However we try to look at it, agriculture itself – as it’s existed for 10,000 years, will always be a departure from aquiring our food as nature intended. By extension, agricultural and food production methods will always be debated on their merits of balancing…

Sustainable Agriculture at Fleming College (Deconstructing Dinner in our Schools IV) / The Local Grain Revolution XI (Sailing Grain Year 2)

Sustainable Agriculture at Fleming College (Deconstructing Dinner in our Schools IV) Deconstructing Dinner is excited to share with our listeners an amazing new agriculture program for new farmers being offered at Fleming College in Lindsay, Ontario. The proposed curriculum touches on many of the areas of focus that Deconstructing Dinner has shared since the show…

Sally Fallon Morell

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated non-industrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect…

Halifax Awaits a World-Class Farmers’ Market

In October 2009, Deconstructing Dinner descended upon the Halifax Farmers’ Market. Founded in 1750, it is the oldest continuously running farmers’ market in North America. The first market vendors were Acadian – the original European immigrants to the land. In 1983, the vendors launched what is now a self financed cooperatively governed group of local…