GE-FREE Canada (Genetically-Engineered Free Canada)

The genetic modigefreeindexfication of our food is a new experiment that has only been underway here in Canada since 1994. A campaign was launched in June of 2005 calling for a GE-Free Canada – a Canada free of genetically modified plants. The campaign was launched in Vancouver where a selection of speakers were invited to speak on the genetic modification of our food supply, and the methods through which GE-Free zones could be created. The event was recorded by the Vancouver-based Necessary Voices Society.


Percy Schmeiser – Farmer – Saskatchewan-based farmer who was taken to court by agri-giant Monsanto after his fields of non-genetically modified canola were contaminated with a modified version from a neighbouring field. Monsanto claimed Schmeiser was unlawfully planting the company’s patented products and subsequently took Schmeiser to court. Percy speaks of why we need a GE-Free Canada.

Arran Stephens – Founder and President, Nature’s Path Foods – Richmond-based Nature’s Path Foods produces a line of organic products and specializes in certified organic cereals. Arran Stephens is a published author. and sits on the Vancouver Food Policy Council.

Colin Palmer – Chair, Powell River Regional District – Colin has also served as Mayor of Powell River and as a municipal Councillor. He and his wife Ann have lived in the area for 35 years. Colin owns and operates a local printing business. He speaks of the role municipal governments have in securing a GE-Free Canada. Powell River is one of the first Canadian communities to become a GE-Free zone.

Musical Selection (name/title/album/label)
Theme/Soundclips: – Adham Shaikh, Infusion, Fusion, Sonic Turtle (CDN)
Soundclip 2 – James Asher, Star of Madras, East Westercism Vol.3, Law and Auder
Music – Phil Vernon, Ballad of Percy Schmeiser, GE Free, Ind. (CDN)