Hosting a Community Dialogue on Local Food Systems II / Backyard Chickens VI

Hosting a Community Dialogue on Local Food Systems II
Part II in a series featuring recordings from the 2009 Community Food Matters Gathering.

Over the past few years, Deconstructing Dinner has involved itself with the Nelson, B.C. based networking group, Community Food Matters. Like many similar community food security groups operating throughout North America, Community Food Matters is made up of organizations, businesses and individuals interested in enhancing the local food system.

On March 24, 2009, Deconstructing Dinner, alongside Community Food Matters, hosted an event designed to stimulate awareness and collaboration within the community. For those outside of the community, the event acts as a model of how other North American communities concerned with local food security could gather once a year and share their work and future plans.

What resulted from the March 24 event was an amazing snapshot of the capacity of just onecommunity seeking to tackle the difficult but critical task of fostering a viable local food system.

Funding for this project has been provided by the Community Food Action Initiative, in cooperation with Interior Health

Backyard Chickens VI (Farming in the City VIII)
The familiar and entertaning Bucky Buckaw has some important perspectives on the tradition of giving chicks to children on Easter


John Alton – Community Farm (Nelson, BC)

Florence Christophers – Nelson CARES Society (Nelson, BC)

Paul Hoepfner-Homme – Nelson Urban Acres (Nelson, BC)

Paul Craig – Sharing Backyards (Nelson, BC)

Jesse Phillips – Canning (Nelson, BC)

Joe Karthein – Community Futures Central Kootenay (Nelson, BC)

SueAnne Smith – Ellison’s Market (Nelson, BC)

Nadiv & Chets-RashonePreserved Seed Cafe / Mount Sentinel Farm (Nelson, BC)

Valerie Sanderson – Backyard Chickens (Nelson, BC)

Abra Brynne – Foodshed Animator (Nelson, BC)

Robert Agnew – Upper Columbia Co-operative Council (Crawford Bay, BC)

Jay Blackmore & David Oosthuizen – Kootenay Lake Sailing Association (Nelson, BC)

Jennie Barron – Central School Garden (Nelson, BC)

Bucky BuckawHost, Bucky Buckaw’s Backyard Chicken Broadcast (Boise, ID) – Bucky Buckaw gives advice on raising backyard chickens as just one example of buckyindexhow a locally based economy can work. Through this segment, he informs listeners about the downside of factory farming and what kinds of toxic chemicals you can expect to find in the resultant livestock. He promotes organic gardening and composting, and supporting local farmers.

Musical Selection (name/title/album/label)
Theme/Soundclip – Adham Shaikh, Infusion, Fusion, Sonic Turtle (CDN)
Music – Ray Stevens, In the Mood, Best of Ray Stevens, Rhino Records