Since March 2008, The Local Grain Revolution series has been following the evolution of Canada’s first Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project for grain.
The project has inspired a wave of support from the communities of Nelson and Creston, including support from the Kootenay Lake Sailing Association. In September 2008, a group of sailors approached the CSA and offered to sail as much of the grain as they could from the Creston Valley to Nelson along Kootenay Lake. In less than a month, four sailboats had committed to the weekend excursion and Deconstructing Dinner’s Jon Steinman joined the crew of the Kelpie so that listeners could, at the very least, take an audible part in the exciting fossil-fuel free mission.
Matt Lowe, Climate Change Campaigner, West Kootenay EcoSociety (Nelson, BC) – The West Kootenay EcoSociety promotes ecologically and socially sound communities while protecting species and ecosystems in the Southern Columbia Mountains ecoregion. Matt is the co-founder of the grain CSA.
Jay Blackmore, Sailor, Kootenay Lake Sailing Association (Nelson, BC) – When Jay first heard about the CSA, he was eager to become part of this exciting initiative. He quickly gathered a group of sailors who will be sailing the grains from the Creston Valley to Nelson on the weekend of October 25, 2008.
David Oosthuizen, Sailor, Kootenay Lake Sailing Association (Nelson, BC) – David was the skipper of the Kelpie.
Roy Plummer, Volunteer (Fruitvale, BC)
Jon Steinman, Producer/Host, Deconstructing Dinner (Nelson, BC)
Keith Huscroft, Farmer, Huscroft Farm (Lister, BC)
Drew Gailius, Farmer, Full Circle Farm (Canyon, BC)
Cecile Andrews, Author, Slow is Beautiful (Seattle, WA)
Earl Hamilton, Musician/Educator (Nelson, BC) – Earl was invited to author a song in honour of the Creston Grain CSA. He has since been recorded performing “Close to Home” in the studios of Kootenay Co-op Radio and performed the song live on the shores of Nelson just after the grain had arrived via sailboat from the Creston Valley. Earl was joined by Norman Richard
Musical Selection (name/title/album/label)
Theme/Soundclips: – Adham Shaikh, Infusion, Fusion, Sonic Turtle (CDN)
Music: – Earl Hamilton, Close to Home, Indy (CDN)
Music: – Culture, Mr. Sluggard, One Stone, Sanctuary Records