Paying the Costs of Not Paying Attention to Eating

How does the attention we pay to the specific moment of eating affect the attention we pay to purchasing food? By reconnecting ourselves to the act of eating, can we reconnect ourselves to food itself?


Victoria Stanton – ArtistESSEN, (Montreal, QC) – Montreal-based performance artist producing solo and collaborative creative work since 1992. Her project entitled ESSEN, takes a look at our relationship with eating by hosting meals where participants feed each other instead of themselves. These events help expose our relationship with food by disrupting the daily routine of feeding.

Carl HonoréAuthorIn Praise of Slow (London, UK) – Author of “IN PRAISE OF SLOW – How a Worldwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of Speed” (Vintage Canada). Carl is a Canadian journalist based in London, England. He has written for The Economist, The Globe and Mail, Houston Chronicle, Miami Herald, and the National Post.

Paul Rozin – ProfessorDepartment of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, (Philadelphia, PA). Earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago and masters and doctoral degrees from Harvard University. He has been a member of the department of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania since 1963. Former editor of the journal AppetiteResearch – Cultural Psychology. Acquisition of likes and dislikes for foods, nature and development of the magical belief in contagion, cultural evolution of disgust, ambivalence to animal foods, lay conception of risk of infection and toxic effects of foods, interaction of moral and health factors in concerns about risks, relation between people’s desires to have desires and their actual desires (including the problem of internalization), acquisition of culture, nature of cuisine, cultural evolution. Research carried out in USA, France, Japan and India.

Musical Selection (name/title/album/label)
Theme/Soundclips: – Adham Shaikh, Infusion, Fusion, Sonic Turtle (CDN)
Music: – Mark Atkinson Trio, A Fire in the Rain, III, Independent (CDN)